Discussion at The Round Table of Texas...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Master Plan

With the economy at stake so is our educational system and with suppression from the superintendent, Maria Carstarphen who plans to revise and restructure the financial struggle of the educational system in our district. In the Austin American Statesman editorial “School district secrecy erodes public trust,” simply focuses on the taxpayer’s attention as it grabs our attention when a revised plan implemented by the superintendent herself fails to put information viewable to the public. The article refers to the publication of her information is simply for the good of the people. Rather than waiting for it to be reviewed which the proposal has a timeline. The editor also argues that the board reviews every proposal up to two times before a final vote. The final vote may be in December but the matter is at hand with the concern of the bloggers and where their money is going. The educational system abandoned a proposal funding of yet another school without improvising the most common of the issues, our schools at hand. The proposal would cost an average $900,000 for the facilities plan development to include a costly consultant. Bloggers are focused on the education of their children as politics simply deplete some of the educational courses. Not only is that a concern but now a bigger concern of where will our children go to school due to this new behind the scene plan constructed by the censorship of the superintendent. The people will not have a vote in the decision is simply obscured, because it is the taxpayer’s money that is funding the educational values for our children. This becomes a concern as people want to know where their money is being spent. It’s for the good of the children and not for the better of the administration staff. Greed has come forth within our educational system that needs to focus on the benefits of our youth rather than taking it away because of funding. In order to fix the issues at hand we need to focus on the problems within the system so it can be properly constructed. By the time the superintendent reveals the proposed plan may be late on fixing a proposal that better suits the taxpayers.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Immigrants called " Guest Workers"

As immigration becomes a renouncing concern among conservative pundit Ann Coulter as she criticizes Governor of Texas, Rick Perry as promoting illegal immigration just as President George Bush had in the past. In the issue of protecting the borders from immigration, the discussion is related towards Gov. Rick Perry as contributing towards immigrants for cheap labor. Government grant in 2001 titled In-State College Tuition is giving illegal aliens the opportunity to attend college in the state of Texas. Ask Perry on the issue of immigration and the topic of discussion will change to another, avoiding the question.  Perry actions seem to be relaxed on immigration comes to the dinner table of Texans. He is also known for siding with Mexico in the past to advocate for a system to contribute to guest worker from Mexico. Later, he ends relation to the topic of guest workers, due to required questions of legal citizenship within the Arizona state. $10 million was given to secure the border with newly updated radio systems. A year later with a multi- million for investment to a virtual wall secured with cameras that provided only a few detainees. With immigration at hand Perry becomes frustrated with the assistance Obama when he denied Perry’s request of 1,000 National Guard troops to guard the border, he was only provided with the minimum of 250. If immigration is not address, where will model class American citizens in Texas stand?  As poverty in Texans is at stake we should focus the working economics of Texas in state rather than being compassionate to the immigrants contracted as guest workers.