Discussion at The Round Table of Texas...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Public School Systems Anti-Policy

Growing up in south Texas and graduating from Alice High School in 2005’. Not even a decade later the school would be the topic of discussion and under review for gay bullying. State and local government needs to address the issue within the public education system as a form of anti-gay and straight alliance. The issue at hand was a gay male student was caught on surveillance camera kissing another male. The male student was suspended from campus and kicked off the cheerleading squad. The Alice High School public school system states that there should be no interaction between relationships on campus. In attended that school back in 2005. Some colleagues can attest that intermingling was at hand and most of all viewed by the faculty. State and local government need to address this issue and find equality among the gay and straight community. What may be ok for the straight kids isn’t ok for the gay kids to follow. It’s unethical and racist. As a state and within local communities the government should provide insight on the issue within gay bullying. Having the issue caught on camera must suggest that faculty is at fault leading to a possible law suit. So why does a gay student get suspended and not a straight? Causes issues within the community that has come to terms with the struggled to come out and seek acceptance. Gay bullying within schools in the past has had dramatic outcomes from school shootings to suicide. If the government can educate the students with modern society issues maybe the schools will release some tension among students and can have a safer place to study. In providing educational benefits to students to better understand gay students and the issues faced among a straight society students can define equality at the front door leading into our community.  Gay bashing and racial slurs are inappropriate for students and even faculty to ignore. It has become an era where gay individuals are leading our country from school teachers to politicians and even in the military. So why not start at the fore front of our public educational system. Government officials need to address the issue and incorporate a class on the issue. Even if gay issues were to be discussed as a subject during Sex Ed. But, as we know it that is another topic of discussion due to budget cuts and school funding. There is a saying taught in elementary schools that some students tend to forget. “Treat others as you would like to be treated,” so stop the BULLYING. Support the movement on anti-gay and straight alliance. Prove to the state and local government that this is an issue that needs to be addressed within our schools. Better the community and our schools.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Resized Politician

As stated in the Texas Monthly Blog posted by Paul Burka, simply states,” Rick Perry’s political strategy is undermining the race and his campaign to be the position beneath the presidency”.  His blog is focused toward the audience on both sides to provide the passive position of Rick Perry as a contender for the presidency. Also to persuade voters the flaws that Perry simply ignores with his mumbles to persuade voters not to elect a polotician that can not speak thoroughly to his followers.  Paul provides good insight on the politician Rick Perry, but it is obvious as we watch Perry mumble through some political questions as we go about observing the race. This is a down fall towards Rick’s campaign with the negative issues brought to surface that some voters may have placed behind them. It seems to re-question their motives on the political choice for presidency.  Some may agree that Rick Perry has lacked participation in some issues and provides little interest in some political aspects but that does not excuse his political strategy in this race against Mitt Romney. Paul states that Rick Perry has,” alienated the old folks with his position on social security and the tea party with his position on immigration”. Paul simply points out figures that Perry has no real answer to fulfill the wishes of his followers, but it still does not mean that this politician doesn’t have something up his sleeve.  Perry’s campaign is still strong even though he may be in third in Florida, but his campaign strategy still has enough money to fund Iowa. By Perry suppressing the issues on the aspects of immigration and the issue on social security could just be his come back for a focal point to win the election, seems to be agreeable for what the voters want to hear in the end of this campaign election.