Discussion at The Round Table of Texas...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Voting for Name or Work History...

It’s time to make a vote of a yay or nay.
Elsa Alcala is one of the nine highest criminal judges running for re-election in this upcoming year. Of course her name may not be very well known among Texans but she is one of the voices that govern our very fate of life or death. Her history of employment is outstanding, from a Kingsville native that attended Texas A&I before switching its name to Texas A&M University of Law. Serving in Court of Appeals in Houston (twice), also being a state district judge appointed by Gov. George W. Bush. Her history is worth fighting for in this upcoming election. Her name may not be very well known within Texas but it is certainly better than being appointed and ridiculed because of flaws like Stephen Mansfield. Mansfield was the Republican serving on the Courts of Criminal Appeals that was known for leaving his dog in his car unattended while at work. He was also known for scalping tickets on the school grounds of the Texas A&M football game that were complimentary tickets. Mansfield may have the name to pass for re-election which in turn failed because of his misconduct of his position. However Alcala is well known for living up to the standards of the common people. I would however cast my vote for her just based off her history and not her name. Voters need to be aware of the history a person carries alongside them throughout the years as it may lead up to failure and end up voting for someone that is incapable of meeting the people’s needs. As the upcoming election let Alcala stay in office as she has done an outstanding job meeting our needs as a state. Vote Yay!!!

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